BYE-LAWS Sept 2023
- Responsibility for Articles
- The club will undertake no responsibility for any articles taken from or left on the club premises.
- Dress
- All players , whilst playing , shall wear bowling shoes and shall wear such clothing as shall be determined by the committee , notice thereof to be posted on the Club notice board in the Bower.
- Conduct on the Green
- There shall be no running , smoking or vaping on the Green .
- There shall be no drinking on the Green , other than for specific functions pre-approved by the committee.
- The Bower
- There shall be no smoking or vaping in the Bower
- Games
- Games played on the Green will be played in accordance with the rules laid down by the World Bowls Board, or otherwise at the discretion of the committee.
- Competitions
- a) There will be such annual competitions as shall be decided by the committee. Members who wish to take part must enter their name on the competitors’ list not later than the 1stMay in each year. Any member who has not paid his or her subscription on or before this date will not be allowed to take part in these competitions.
- b) The winners of the Club Ladies’ and Men’s championships will be expected to represent the Club in the Champion of Champions Competitions, and all entrants to the Club Championships will be deemed to accept this as a condition of entry.
- c) No members may represent the club in any league competition or other game unless his or her subscription has been paid before commencement of such game.
- d) The committee shall have full authority to make all arrangements and to lay down the conditions under which all Club competitions, jumbles etc shall be run, including such matters as arrangements for ties, reservations for rinks etc, and its decisions thereon shall be final and conclusive.
- Social Members
- Social members are allowed to play bowls on the Green for roll ups only when there is a rink available. Social members cannot take part in Club Competitions including jumbles , but may take part in Spiders and similar events on Opening day and any other occasion when they occur.
a) For all league games , friendlies, County match’s and any other games when representing the club the Club tops are to be worn
b) Club competitions … Casual or Club tops , other than for Club finals when Club tops are required
c) For jumbles and roll-ups either Club tops or casual
d) For ALL games players must wear bowling shoes
Carlisle Subscription Bowling acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and protect the welfare of Adults and Children at potential risk.
As a club we are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all members so they can take part in a relaxed and secure atmosphere regardless of their age, ability, gender, race or religion.
Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity.
Carlisle Subscription Bowling Club is affiliated to the National Governing Body – Bowls England, and the club recognises and adheres to their safeguarding policies, which can be found online at
Please feel free to speak confidentially to Alison, or any committee member, if you have any issue or concern whatsoever regarding yourself or any individual.
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Lead Safeguarding Officer
Alison Hullock
07507 342193
Bowls is a wonderful social game with some accepted unwritten rules of behaviour designed to prevent ill will, confusion and conflict, these include:
- Dress correctly for all games and arrive in good time (except Tuesday rollups where dress is optional)
- Mobile phones should be switched off during play, and used with discretion while in the vicinity of the green.
- Greet team members and opponents at the start of the game and shake hands at its conclusion, win or lose.
- Respect the green surface at all times and take care to protect the green, no high deliveries.
- Always allow your opponent the right to the head as in the Laws of the Game, and any request for an end to be measured should not be denied or queried.
- Concentrate fully on the game and on all bowls as they are being delivered. In a competitive match save your socialising until afterwards.
- Be ready to bowl when it’s your turn, but do not play until the previous bowl has come to rest.
- In a game of triples the number two decides the winning bowls and in fours the number three is responsible for that decision, all other players move away from the head.
- Do not talk or make a noise behind the mat, or move at the head end when a player is preparing to bowl.
- In a game where an umpire is required, please respect his or her decision.
- Remain still behind the mat or behind the head until it is your turn to play.
- Avoid obscuring the rink number, rink markers or the jack.
- Keep to your own rink. Don’t become a wanderer and distract other bowlers. Walk down the centre of your rink when you are changing ends and. do not walk through the head.
- Respect the decision of your skip, he is at the head and can see position of the bowls
- Do not walk past the end of a rink when a player is about to bowl towards you
- Once an end is completed and the score has been agreed, the only concern of of the winning lead is to put down the mat and deliver the jack (unless in a pairs game where they will help clear bowls) 2’s alter scoreboard after bowls have been cleared. 2’s or skips fill in the scorecard.
- When playing outdoors be aware of your shadow in bright sunlit conditions. Do not let it fall across the jack or head, or allow it to fall in front of the mat when a player is about to play.
- Encourage and praise the rest of the team, including the skip. Bowls is a team game, everyone should be working together.
- Do not applaud a team member who has outrageous luck, just accept these graciously.
- Compliment your opponent on a good shot.
- Take care of team members and the head when drive shots are being played, and warn others on adjacent rinks of the intended shot. One of the 3’s could be ready to go in front of the head in order to see if the delivered bowl is a toucher.
- Do not criticise your opponents, the green, or your own team. If you cannot say something positive, do not say anything at all.
- If you lose be a good loser and do not blame your loss on other players, the green, or the weather.
- Learn the correct laws of the Sport of Bowls and play in accordance with the rules.